Істина тебе робить вільною, але щоби бути справді щасливою треба її полюбити більше, ніж ілюзію The truth does make you free but to be trully happy, you have to love it more than the illusion.

On Love (Erotic)

Passion is like lighting a match - it can start the real fire which is Love. A match burns bright and quick but it just gives you a flame. The Fire can burn really long and it has lots of flames. Sometimes you need more than one match to make the fire. Sometimes to start the…

the real magic of tidying

Sometime in spring, I came across a magical book "The life-changing magic of tidying" by Marie Kondo - a Japanese woman who makes money helping people to make their lives better by teaching them decluttering their homes.

just sth

this is me no, it wasn't it is true no, it isn't please believe no, I want Why? Did I knot try? нешукайтезмістудейогонема

pieces of me

On top of the world Where the  hard wind blows We sit here talking Waiting for our time And the cherries are in bloom 16/04/2016  Ужгород, Радванка   I'm just a little girl lost looking for the truth in the world music from "God Help the Girl", movie OST  "Funny Little Frog" some time in…

Роверко знайшовся!

Gods of hitch-hiking do have mercy on me. Just 15 min ago I've got my stolen bike back. I saw a man close to my home riding a bike that looked like mine. After checking its serial number he just gave it back to me. I feel like I've won a jackpot in a reality show...…