A few days ago I learned that russia has almost exterminated the whole ethnicity of Circassian in 19th century. Ukraine is the 2nd country in the world to have recognised Circassian genocide 09.01.2025. This hit me hard, it made me cry
Subtle russian Propaganda You might still Believe in
A collection of misconceptions of mostly German leftists about Ukraine. Peace agreements, no weapons to Ukraine, canceling russian culture, the ordinary russians who suffer, russian opposition, nazi in Ukrainian army, war against the US etc. And links to support various Ukrainian charities in the end
Hitchhiking Talks 1
About a month ago I was hitchhiking home again. As usual, the conversation turned to Ukraine. I had a conversation with two drivers - a German man in his 40s and a young Arab. Read on for what they had to say
Автостопні балачки 1
На днях їхала знову автостопом додому. Як завжди, мова зайшла за Україну. Була розмова з двома водіями - німець 40+ і молодий араб. Читайте далі що вони казали
Visiting home
A few weeks ago I went to Ukraine. I'm happy to have visited my home. Even though it was sometimes quite heavy. At the first sight, everything looks completely normal . . .
Give Peace a Chance
My previous post on this topic was accused of being naive. Hippies were also accused of that as well as lots of other dreamers who eventually got what they believed in. So I continue writing on this topic because I truly believe that Peace cannot be won in the war. This is what my intuition says…
make love not war
Скільки ненависті у повітрі зараз висить!! Люди, невже ви не розумієте, що це все - дія пропаганди?! Російська мова - не є поганою, це - всього лиш мова - засіб спілкування. Так само і житель Росії не є поганим апріорі. Вони не винні, що народилися і виросли у країні, яка, так склалося історично, зараз воює…
War is War
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh41Wxez9PE[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh41Wxez9PE] Не буду багато коментувати, тільки перекладу. І так все ясно. Війна, вона завжди однакова - люди вбивають одне одного за ідеї нав’язані політиками There are children standing here, Тут стояли дітлахи Arms outstretched into the sky, Руки в небо простягли Tears drying on their face. Сльози сохли на очах He has been here. Вона…