The brain on 26 is about the same as the brain on 23

 The Brain On 23 The article is about 23-year-olds but I'm 26 and I do feel the same. I feel this kind of insecurity in my life. I feel worried that my time is slowly running out but I haven't made up my mind of what I want to do in my life. It's like…


It's been a long time since I posted something here... Though I had thoughts to share. As for now I want to share my feelings over a piece of art. I just finished watching a movie "Amadeus" (1984). Can't say that I was impressed by the movie although it has got 8 (!!!) Oscars. I guess…

Religion and terrorism

На фейсбуці почалися холівари, як то кажуть хіпстери. "Християни, пам*ятайте, ВИ були терористами протягом 300 років, відсікаючи голови підчас Хрестових походів... тероризм - продукт релігії. Релігія це - проблема." Почитавши аргументи "за" і "проти", де невіруючі звинувачували релігію у тероризмі, а віруючі, звинувачували атеїстів, я зрозуміла, що і ті, і ті праві. Може тоді релігія не…

Memories won’t let go

Think of me when the day is gone Think of me when the sun is on Remember me honey Remember me Lieber Remember the nights of Love Those happy nights of Peace Please keep me in your memory I promise to hold on you I promise to live on without you If you can do…

Give Peace a Chance

My previous post on this topic was accused of being naive. Hippies were also accused of that  as well as lots of other dreamers who eventually got what they believed in. So I continue writing on this topic because I truly believe that Peace cannot be won in the war. This is what my intuition  says…

So good to be alive!

It feels so good to just be alive! It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to walk, to spread your arm(s) greeting fresh wind! It feels so great to be able to see the stars quietly appearing in the sky, to see the day slowly turning to night. It is amazing to breathe in deeply…

Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?

We accept the love we think we deserve "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" Why do great, wonderful people have to suffer in the relationships that are supposed to make them happy?? Why do people think they deserve to be treated badly?? Noone ever deserves to be treated badly. Judgment has not yet made anyone…

Demons inside

Don't try to fight the demons inside you. They are too strong to fight. Do not pretend you're a saint, demonless. You are not. Tame them, make them your servant dogs. Walk them regularly. Make them your pets. Make them obey you.  They're part of you, they are you

Forget me not…

Remember me when I forget You. Remember me when no one remembers. Never forget all the dreams we dreamed. Never forget all the good things we had. Never forget the great moments we shared. Remember our nights we had. Remember all those starry nights and endless roads. Never forget the music we used to dance…